Text below images, autoslide enabled

[dt_portfolio_slider height=»180″ width=»255″ padding=»30″ arrows=»dark» show_title=»true» show_excerpt=»true» show_date=»true» show_details=»true» show_zoom=»true» number=»8″ autoslide=»3000″ loop=»true» category=»04-identity,08-design-photo,08-photo-video»]


VC Element: «Portfolio Scroller»

Thumbnails height: 180

Thumbnails width: 255

Gap between images (px): 30

Arrows: Dark

Show projects descriptions: Under images

Image hover background color: Color (from Theme Options)

Background under projects: Disabled

Content alignment: Centre

Show title: yes; Show excerpt: yes; Show project categories: no

Show project date: yes; Show project author: no; Show project comments: no

Show details icon: yes; Show link icon: no; Show zoom icon: yes

Number of posts to show: 8

Autoslide interval (in milliseconds): 3000

Loop: yes

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Text on colored background

[dt_portfolio_slider height=»190″ width=»240″ padding=»0″ appearance=»on_hover_centered» hover_animation=»redirection_aware» show_title=»true» show_categories=»true» show_details=»true» show_zoom=»true» category=»04-identity,08-design-photo»]


VC Element: «Portfolio Scroller»

Thumbnails height: 190

Thumbnails width: 240

Gap between images (px): 0

Arrows: rectangular accent

Show projects descriptions: On colored background

Animation: Reverse direction aware

Image hover background color: Color (From Theme Options)

Show title: yes; Show excerpt: no; Show project categories: yes

Show project date: no; Show project author: no; Show project comments: no

Show details icon: yes; Show link icon: no; Show zoom icon: yes

Number of posts to show: 12

Autoslide interval (in milliseconds): [leave empty]

Loop: no

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Text in the bottom

[dt_portfolio_slider height=»208″ width=»208″ padding=»0″ arrows=»rectangular_accent» appearance=»from_bottom» content_aligment=»center» show_title=»true» category=»04-identity,08-photo-video,08-design-photo»]


VC Element: «Portfolio Scroller»

Thumbnails height: 207

Thumbnails width: 207

Gap between images (px): 0

Arrows: Rectangular accent

Show projects descriptions: In the bottom

Content alignment: Center

Show title: Yes;

Show excerpt: No;

Show project categories: No

Show project date: No;

Show project author: No;

Show project comments: No

Show details icon: Yes;

Show link icon: No;

Show zoom icon: Yes

Number of posts to show: 12

Autoslide interval (in milliseconds): [leave empty]

Loop: No

Order by: Date

Order way: Descending

Text on the dark gradient

[dt_portfolio_slider height=»240″ padding=»0″ appearance=»on_dark_gradient» show_title=»true» show_categories=»true» show_details=»true» show_zoom=»true» category=»04-identity,08-design-photo,08-photo-video»]


VC Element: «Portfolio Scroller»

Thumbnails height: 240;

Thumbnails width: [leave empty]

Gap between images (px): 0;

Arrows: light;

Show projects descriptions: On dark gradient;

Content alignment: Left;

Content: On hover;

Show title: Yes;

Show excerpt: No;

Show project categories: Yes

Show project date: No;

Show project author: No;

Show project comments: No;

Show details icon: Yes;

Show link icon: No;

Show zoom icon: Yes;

Number of posts to show: 12;

Autoslide interval (in milliseconds): [leave empty]

Loop: No;

Order by: Date;

Order way: Descending